2011年10月2日 星期日

Want-tube.com : Free and Download online videos from Youtube

Wantyoutube.com is the charm I want to introduce today. For some people who may need to download personal videos on Youtube online. This one is really good and perfect! It can download videos as MP3-- sound track only--which is available for walkman or cell phones. MP4 and 3Gp are available for your mobile phones. WebM is for your androids. FLV can be played on Your computer(pc or mac). Wantyoutube can save video files as format above and it is a service for free!

Just like Keepvid and Savevid, Wantyoutube needs Java to help download Youtube videos. And It is safe and reliable. Wantyoutube now is used widely and popularly here in Qatar, USA, UK, and Australia. Somehow, besides English, I think it may provide languages like Japanese or Chinese or something because there are still quite a large users from Japan and Hong Kong in Wantyoutube.com.

Anyway, have a try. If you like it, don't even have to remember its URL address because you only have to insert a "want" in video URL, that's all you have to do! Good luck!

